Tuesday, December 21, 2010

WPS – Using esAdmin.sh to unlock the locked messages in the event sequencing queue

Sometimes, WPS event sequencing works not very well, and some messages are locked there and blocked the other messages to continue to process, using the esAdmin.sh to unlock or delete locks

Usage: esAdmin [-h hostname] [-p soapPortNumber] method parameters where hostname=’localhost’ and soapPortNumber=8880 by default.
Available methods are :
listLocks moduleName
listLocks moduleName componentName
listLocks moduleName componentName methodName
deleteLocks moduleName
unlock lockId

listAll is used to list all locked messages
unlock lockId will be used to unlock one locked messages. lockId can be acquired using listAll command.
deleteLocks is used to delete all lockes related to one module. remember that the application need to be stopped before using deleteLocks. the module name is SCA module name, not application name.

for example: esAdmin.sh deleteLocks moduleName


  1. Hi Karthikeyan

    1. if you can not stop/start the server, check the SystemOut.log file to see what happened. that's the first step to check.
    2. yes, we can deploy and run the java webapplication from eclipse ide, you have to create an server and configure it to point to Websphere Application Server, and then deploy the module to WAs server, note: eclipse and WAS server should be on same server.
    3. some unix servers were equiped with java 1.4 or java 1.5. when you work with WAS, you better to use the java application in the directory /IBM/Websphere/AppServer/java/bin

  2. Hi,

    do you know, if there's an API for java running esAdmin commands?

    We are using MBeans via AdminService to run wsAdmin commands. I expected finding some samples in an analogous manner but I didn't find anything by google or IBM Infocenter. Maybe, there's no API for esAdmin so that we need to run a script on our server started through the java application. But first of all I would prefer an API way.

    Kind regards

  3. Hi Bjoern:

    I checked the API documents and I did not find the API for esAdmin

    Checking esAdmin.sh, we can see the script is calling com.ibm.wbiserver.sequencing.service.management.client.EsAdmin,but I did not find it in the API

    you can open an PMR to IBM to see if they can give you some advices.

  4. Hi,

    thank your very much!

    As soon as I have some time, I'm going to implement the call function we need for our requirement.
    I'll give you a feedback then.

    Best regards

  5. Hi,

    I am getting the below error, while executing the esAdmin.sh command,

    ./esAdmin.sh -h localhost -p 9101 -username wasadmin -password XXXXX listAl

    [esAdmin] ERROR: failed to invoke method: listLocks Order
    Reason: RuntimeException thrown in RequiredModelMBean while trying to invoke operation listLocks
